June 2007

Check your list

By Bill Keaggy
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If you’ve ever laughed at those of us compulsive enough to shred our grocery lists, you’ll think again after reading Bill Keaggy’s Milk Eggs Vodka: Grocery Lists Lost and Found. Keaggy, who must be a bit of an obsessive-compulsive himself, found, saved and sorted this detritus of everyday life, presented here in scanned images so clear that every lipstick smudge, crossed-out item and doodle is visible. The lists are grouped thematically and paired with his snarky comments about bad eating habits, bizarre combinations of items and it must be said atrocious spelling for our laugh-out-loud pleasure. Aside from pointing out shoppers’ foibles, Milk Eggs Vodka shows our similarities and resourcefulness (see the Creative Recycling chapter), and offers food trivia in the bargain.

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